
28 April 2020

Download Nvidia Drivers with Control Panel

Looking at the reviews of Nvidia Control Panel in Microsoft Store of Windows 10, people do not seem to be happy when they have to go there and download the control panel separately instead of being included with the driver as before. 

The reason Nvidia Control Panel does not come together with the driver is because of the variant. There are 2 types of drivers; Standard and DCH.

By default when searching for nvidia drivers at, you will be directed to DCH -- the ones without the control panel. 

Standard drivers are what we are looking for because it includes the control panel. 

As we can see from the picture above, 'Windows Driver Type' option is only available when doing an advanced search on the nvidia driver website.

To perform advanced search, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Beta and Older Drivers' as shown in the picture below.

Make sure to choose 'Standard' for 'Windows Driver Type' to download driver with the control panel included.


20 April 2020

Show Hijri Date (Islamic Calendar) on Windows 10

On Windows 10 there are 2 available calendar formats we can choose; Gregorian Calendar and Hijri Calendar.

Gregorian calendar is the default date format worldwide that we all familiar today meanwhile Hijri calendar is more common among Muslims or in Islamic states. 

To switch to Hijri calendar, first open "Settings" from the start menu and select "Time & Language" from the list of the settings as shown in the picture below.

On the next page, search for "Date, time, & regional formatting" located on the right side of the window.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Change data formats".

Lastly, select Hijri Calendar from the Calendar dropdown menu on the new page. Windows will show Hijri date upon switching.