
30 July 2020

Adsense Website Error Message When Logging In

"We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process you request at this time. Our engineers have been notified of this problem and will work to resolve it."

If you are seeing this message, hopefully what I write here can help fix that. I had this error and thought it was the website fault at first, maybe encountering some kind of technical issues. As time went by I started to realize that it was probably my web browser causing this because it had already been more than a month.

I had tried clearing cookies and cache of this browser however that did not help. Only way to access Adsense website at the time was through my phone. While trying to figure out what was happening, something came to my mind.

"It's adsense... Adsense... Ads.. Adblocker... Could it be?"

Immediately, I disabled my adblocker and logged in to adsense. Boom! Bada bing bada boom! No more error message. 

The culprit for the error was my adblocker. It just suddenly has issues with adsense website even though it was working fine previously. Adsense has to be added to whitelist on your adblocker if you are planning to continue using it. 


To whitelist adsense, add url I have tried, it was still showing the error message on adsense website.